
Friday, February 18, 2022

Union Hill News, Feb. 17, 1922

Union Hill News

Mr. and Mrs. Barney Edney left Monday for Detroit, Mich.

The following were guests at the home of Mrs. S.K. Justus on Sunday: H.T. Justus, Burgan Hyder, Clenoth Burgess, George Burgess, Guy Justus, Lola Merrell, Carl Summers, Barney Edney, Miss Irine Summers and Miss Bessie Marshall.

Miss Cloriena Young and sister Josephine were the guests of Mrs. John Williams on last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. McAbee left Wednesday of last week for Lockhart, S.C.

The little daughter of J.S. Summers is very ill at the present.

E. Ward Heyward of Savannah, Ga., is visiting his father and mother.

Mr. and Mrs. Guy Harvey were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wade Young last Sunday.

Mrs. S.P. Jones and two sons were the guests of Miss Sarah and Rodie Jones last Sunday.

Misses Maude and Inez Pace were the guests of Mrs. Carl Hyder last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Pace and Miss Myrtle Pace were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Hill last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Young are planning to build a bungalow soon.

Mrs. W.W. Marshall and daughter, Miss Bessie Marshall, were the guests of Mrs. J.S. Summers last Sunday.

W.M. Maxwell and daughter were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Summers Saturday night.

Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Young and two daughters were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R.M. Justice Saturday.

Miss Myrtle Pace is having great success with her school at Union Hill.

From the Western North Carolina Times, Hendersonville, N.C., Feb. 17, 1922

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