
Thursday, February 24, 2022

War Hero Loses Arm at Hosiery Co., Awarded $7,131.66, Company Appeals, Feb. 24, 1922

Awarded $7,131.66 for One Good Right Arm

Geo. J. Lacey, a world war hero who fought his way thru the Hindenberg line with the famous Thirtieth Division and was under fire more times than he has fingers and toes, was awarded damages in the sum of $7,131.66 in the Superior Court here this week. Veteran Lacey came back from the war and settled down to the arts of peace only to have his good right arm torn off in a stocking machine in the plant of the Ideal Hosiery Co. in this city. He sued the company for $25,000. The defendants have taken an appeal to the Supreme Court.

From the front page of The Independent, Elizabeth City, N.C., Feb. 24, 1922

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