
Sunday, February 20, 2022

Wife Visits Embezzler in Jail, Men Charged With Attempted Bank Robbery, Three School Board Members Quit, Other News From Across State, Feb. 20, 1922

State News Briefs

Visits Husband in Jail

Lexington, Feb. 200—Mrs. J.L. Armfield came from Greensboro Friday and visited her husband in jail, this being the first time she had seen him since he left last September for the Mexican border. He was arrested in Mexico and brought back to Lexington last Wednesday to answer to charges of embezzling over $150,000 from the Bank of Thomasville, closed last August by the state bank examiner. Bond has not yet been secured.


Hold Alleged Robbers

Winston-Salem, Feb. 20—Charlie Huffman, Roy Huffman, Grady Cheek and J.D. Cardwell, charged with an attempt to rob the Bank of Kernersville, were given a hearing before Colonel J.C. Bessent here Friday at 10 o’clock, and were ordered held for the next term of Superior court in the sum of $2,500 each. Warrants against Cardwell and Roy Huffman, alleging the carrying of a concealed weapon, were also heard and an additional bond of $300 each was required in these cases.


Asheville School Fight

Asheville, Feb. 20—R.H. McDuffie, W.M.s. Mathews and W. Vance Brown, members of the city school board, resigned Friday following action by the board last night in rejecting all bids for the erection of a $100,000 building in West Asheville.


Survey Railroad

Taylorsville, Feb. 18—Engineers of the Southern Railway company were at Hiddenite today for the purpose of going over the survey of the proposed railroad to Rocky Face Mountain from that point.


Stronach Acquitted

Raleigh, Feb. 18—J. Norfleet Stronach, prominent young man of Raleigh, was yesterday acquitted of the charge of manslaughter in city court. Stronach’s arrest followed the death of Harry Pool, who was killed while riding with Stronach in the latter’s automobile on Hillsboro street on the night of January 24.


Ate Fish, Dead

Shelby, Feb. 18—Shelby was greatly shocked Friday morning to learn of the death of one of its most popular young matrons, Mrs. Bynum Weathers, wife of a prominent young lawyer. It is supposed that the cause of her death was ptomaine poison, she having eaten fish at a local restaurant which brought on the sickness.


Steal From Sick Woman

Wilmington, Feb. 18—Several hundred dollars was stolen from a woman here while she was being carried from a hospital to the union station here Friday.


“Leads Union”

Hamlet, Feb. 18—Speaking here Thursday night, Governor Cameron Morrison declared that “North Carolina is already the most progressive state in the union and we are just now getting on the move.” He made a plea for the raising of more chickens, hogs, garden truck and eggs, so that the people would quit sending their money to the west for food.

From The Greensboro Patriot, Monday, February 20, 1922. Published every Monday and Thursday.

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