
Friday, February 11, 2022

Wm. J. Hyndman Succumbs to Pneumonia Following Flu, Feb. 11, 1922

Hyndman Dead of Pneumonia. . . One of City’s Leading Contractors Succumbs After Two Weeks’ Illness

Wm. J. Hyndman, for some years one of the leading contractors of Charlotte, died at his home, 325 East Seventh street, at 5:30 o’clock Saturday morning after an illness of a little more than two weeks. About two weeks ago he suffered an attack of grippe, which developed into bronchial pneumonia. For some days pas this condition has been regarded as critical.

Mr. Hyndman was born in York, S.C., August 13, 1852, of Scotch-Irish parents who had just arrived from the old country. They were John Hyndman and Beatty Ann Hyndman. Mr. Hyndman is the last surviving member of his family.

On April 19, 1877, Mr. Hyndman was married to Miss Lucy Beard of York. In 1887 they moved to Charlotte and have lived here since that time. During his more active career as a contractor, Mr. Hyndman built many of the handsome residences of Charlotte. At the time of his death he was connected with the Southeastern Construction Company of this city.

Mr. Hyndman is survived by his wife and two daughters, Mrs. E.C. Hood and Mrs. Reid Patterson, both of Charlotte. Nettie, another daughter, died at the age of 11 years. There are five surviving grand-children, namely, James Reid Patterson, son of Dr. and Mrs. Reid Patterson; and John Hyndman Hood, Martha Grace Hood, Lucy Beard Hood and David Hood, children of Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Hood.

The funeral service will be held at 4 o’clock Sunday afternoon at Tryon Street Methodist church, of which Mr. Hyndman was an influential and loyal member, and will be conducted by Rev. Dr. Henry G. Hardin, the pastor. Mr. Hyndman united with the Methodist church in early youth and had long been a devout and consistent member of that denomination

From The Charlotte News, Saturday evening, February 11, 1922

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