
Friday, March 18, 2022

125 For St. Patrick's Tea, March 18, 1922

Saint Patrick’s Tea Friday

The Fannie E.S. Heck Circle of the First Baptist Church gave a most delightful St. Patrick’s Tea at the home of Mrs. J.E. Lineberger Friday night. The home was attractively decorated in green, many potted plants and cut flowers being used. The guests were met at the door by members of the circle and shown into the dining room, where a sandwich course with coffee was served.

The following musical program was rendered:

Violin solo—Mr. Dan McLemore.

Quartette—Messrs. P.B. Raiford, Joe McCaskill, J.T. Paris and S.W. Preslar.

Solo—Miss Fay Moore.

Piano solo—Miss Margaret Miller.

An enjoyable feature of the evening was a humorous reading by Mrs. Lineberger. A miniature shamrock was given each guest as a favor. During the evening about 125 guests called.

From the front page of The Concord Tribune, March 18, 1922

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