
Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Death Notices of Eugene Goode, J.H. Mitchell, Mrs. Mary Cornelia Kiser, Nate Davis, J.W. East, March 1, 1922

Stokes Man Commits Suicide. . . Eugene Goode of the Belews Creek Section Cuts His Own Throat

Eugene Goode, aged about forty-five years and a bachelor residing alone at his home in the extreme southeastern part of Stokes county, was found dead last Friday in his living room. A razor was found on the bed near him and his neck was cut almost half off, the gash extending more than half way round the neck.

Coroner Dr. R.G. Tuttle was notified and after summoning a jury an inquest was held, the verdict of the verdict of the jurymen being that Goode had died by his own hand.

It was stated that Goode, who had been to Keely institute one or more times, had recently been drinking heavily for some weeks, and the affects of this spree is supposed to have caused him to kill himself.


Death of J. Ham Mitchell. . . Passing of a Former Citizen of Stokes at His Home Near Madison

Mr. J. Hamilton Mitchell died at his home near Madison in Rockingham county a few days ago. He is survived by his wife and nine children.

Mr. Mitchell was aged about sixty years. He formerly lived at Dillard, this county, but moved to Rockingham several years ago. He was afflicted with tuberculosis for a number of years, which finally produced his death. He was a good citizen, a thrifty farmer, and at the time of his death was worth a good deal of money.


Former Stokes Lady Dies in Winston-Salem

Mrs. Mary Cornelia Kiser, aged 44 years, wife of E.L. Kiser, died yesterday morning at 7:30 o’clock at her home on East 22nd street, this city. She came to this city to reside about five years ago.

Mr. Kiser and nine children survive as follows: Mrs. Pearl Moser of Stokes county, Mrs. Gertie Hall and Gorrell, Effie, Harvey, Iris, Edith and Thelma, all of this city. Five brothers, J.H., W.O., R.S., E.L. and D.C. Cromer of Stokes county, also survive. There is one sister, Mrs. J.D. Warner of Stokes county.

The deceased was a member of the Mount Olive Baptist church in Stokes county, where the funeral was held on Sunday.

--Winston Journal, 26th


Nate Davis Dies; Had Long Illness. . . Lived at Jesse Davis Old Homestead in Sauratown Township

Mr. Nat Davis died at his home in Sauratown township a few days ago, after a lingering sickeness with tuberculosis. He was a son of the late Jesse Davis, deceased, and a the time of his death was living at the Jesse Davis old homestead on Dan river.

The deceased is survived by his wife and several children.


J. Will East Passes Away. . . Had Been Ill for Many Weeks at State Hospital—Good Citizen

News was received here yesterday of the death of Mr. J. Will East at the State Hospital at Morganton, where he had been undergoing treatment for more than a year. For some months very little hope had been entertained for his recovery, his condition having grown worse constantly.

Mr. East, who was a citizen of Walnut Cove, formerly operated the drug store there, and had a host of friends in the county, who will learn of his death with sincere regret. He owned considerable property in Walnut Cove.

The deceased is survived by three children, all small, and two brothers, Messrs. Thomas and James East, both of Stokes, and also by one sister, Mrs. Robin Smith of the Walnut Cove section.

The funeral and interment will be held at Rose Bud church today.

From the Danbury Reporter, Wednesday, March 1, 1922

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