
Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Death of Mrs. Brack McDaniel and Son, Other News From Cliffside, March 2, 1922

Cliffside News Happenings. . . Death of Mrs. Brack McDaniel Last Sunday—Many Other Items of Interest

Cliffside, Feb. 27—We regret to lose the family of Mr. J.V. Kendrick, who moved to his farm near Green Hill. While here Mr. Kendrick and his estimable family have made many friends who regret to lose them from our town.

Mr. B. Deck Wilson left last Saturday for the northern market where he will purchase a full line of spring and summer goods. A good deal has already been bought and much of it already in stock. We have not yet learned the name of the milliner who will assist Mrs. W.H. Haynes.

Mr. J.F. Long has returned to Cliffside after working at Cramerton for some time. After all, “there is no place like home.”

Mr. T.B. Bland has returned from an extended visit to friends and relatives in Charlotte, Lexington, Winston-Salem and other points.

Another wedding was solemnized in town last week when Mrs. Jennie Keeter became the bride of Mr. J.H. Bailey, who resides on his farm near Cliffside. Rev. W.K. Collins officiated in his impressive manner. We join their many friends in wishing them “Good luck.”

Rev. W.K. Collins left Sunday afternoon for Cramerton, where he will assist in a revival meeting. Rev. Chas. Gillespie, of Boiling Springs, preached at the local Baptist church Sunday night in the absence of Pastor Collins.

Messrs. P.C. Hawkins and C.C. Blanton attended the textile meeting at Charlotte last week.

Mrs. Walter Haynes and daughter, Amanda, visited in Charlotte last week.

Mr. B.M. Jarrett, who has been residing in New Hampshire, is visiting his mother, Mrs. T.C. Jarrett. Mr. Jarrett say he is thinking of locating in the South again.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Williamson and children spent Sunday with Mrs. Williamson’s father, Mr. J.C. Roach, near Harris. Mr. and Mrs. E.B. Jarrett of Shelby spent the week-end here with homefolks.

Prof. Jordan was a pleasant visitor here Sunday and in the absence of Mr. W.B. Wilson, led the choir at the Baptist church.

The friends of Mrs. Brack McDaniel were shocked to learn of her death, which occurred at her home on Academy street Sunday afternoon at 12:50 o’clock. The family of Mr. and Mrs. McDaniel have been sick for some time. Four of the children have been sick with pneumonia and colds and one, a bright little boy, passed out into the Great Beyond last week, the mother following Sunday. The funeral of Mrs. McDaniel was held from the Baptist church at 2 o’clock Monday afternoon, conducted by her former pastor, Rev. D.J. Hunt. The three children who are sick are recovering and it is thought they will soon be well again. Our sympathy goes out to the stricken family and friends.

Miss Myrtle Brigger of Winchester, Texas, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George C. Shuford. Miss Brigger is pleasantly remembered by a number of friends she made while visiting her relatives, the family of Mr. W.L. Packard, a few years ago.

Miss Ethel McFarland of Rutherfordton has been visiting her sister, Mrs. M. Hendrick.

The new theatre will open this week. The first picture will be shown Tuesday night. “The Fall of Babylon” has been booked for an early date, and many other good pictures.

From The Forest City Courier, March 2, 1922

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