
Sunday, March 27, 2022

Deaths of Sarah Clegg, 79, and Brantley McAdoo, 73, March 27, 1922

Recent Deaths

Mrs. Sarah J. Clegg

Mrs. Sarah J. Clegg, aged 79, the widow of I.H. Clegg, died at her home on South Spring street here Saturday morning after an illness of several months. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the home, conducted by Rev. J. Clyde Turner, D.D., Pastor of the First Baptist church. Burial was made in Green Hill cemetery.

Mrs. Clegg was a native of Chatham county, but had lived here for the past 38 years. She leaves three daughters, Mrs. O.W. Monroe and Miss Connie Clegg, of this city, and four sons, W.F. Clegg, L.L. Clegg, and C.B. Clegg, of this city, and Thomas D. Clegg of the western part of the state.


Brantley F. McAdoo

Brantley F. McAdoo, aged 73, died at a hospital here Thursday. Funeral services were held here at Buffalo Presbyterian church. Friday afternoon at 3 o’clock, conducted by the pastor, Rev. E. Frank Lee. Burial followed in the church cemetery.

Mr. McAdoo had lived in Guilford county and Greensboro all his life. He leaves a niece and five nephews, Mrs. W.M. Ridenhour, E.A. McAdoo, A.S. McAdoo, J.H. McAdoo, W.F. McAdoo, all of Greensboro, and J.H. McAdoo of Charlotte.

From the Greensboro Patriot, Monday, March 27, 1922

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