
Friday, March 18, 2022

Gladys Smith, 6, Avoids Car But Struck by Motorcycle, March 18, 1922

Avoids Automobile Only to Be Hit by Coasting Motorcycle

Salisbury, N.C., March 17—Gladys Smith, a 6-year-old girl whose home is on the Dunn’s Mountain road, is in a Salisbury hospital suffering from concussion of the brain, injured when she stepped in the road after an automobile had passed and in time to be hit by a motorcycle that was coasting just behind the machine.

The cyclist, a Mr. Barringer, picked the injured child up and rushed her to the hospital where it was thought for a time her injuries would prove fatal.

After some hours she regained consciousness and it is now thought she will recover.

From the front page of The Concord Tribune, March 18, 1922

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