
Monday, March 21, 2022

Hamilton News Items From The Enterprise, March 21, 1922

Hamilton News Items

Mrs. Charlie Harrington of Oak City spent last week with her mother Mrs. Lula Anthony.

Miss Annie Anthony spent Tuesday night in Hobgood.

Mr. and Mrs. R.W. Salisbury, Messrs. R.W. Salisbury and Bill Haislip spent Tuesday in Hobgood.

Mrs. F.L. Gladstone spent last week in Tarboro with her aunt, Mrs. Kate Parks.

Mr. Button of Philadelphia is spending some time here with his daughter, Mrs. J.P. Boyle.

Lieutenant and Mrs. R.B. Watkins of St. Louis were called here Wednesday on account of the death of Mr. J.P. Boyle.

Miss Mary Robinson spent the week with her friends in Ayden.

Mrs. Sallie Williams of Leens has returned home after visiting Mrs. Hines.

From The Enterprise, Williamston, N.C., March 21, 1922

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