
Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Hollis HIgh School Exercises; Honor Roll for Forest City Public Schools, March 30, 1922

Closing at Hollis High School Successful

The four months’ session of the Hollis high school came to a close Friday, March 24, with appropriate exercises. A two months’ school will be taught later in the summer.

The address was delivered by Mr. Lawton Blanton of the Piedmont high school. Mr. Blanton, a native of Hollis, who has come into prominence as an orator, has already won four medals, the last one being received at Wake Forest College recently. This was a state contest in which 61 contestants took part. He also received a scholarship to Wake Forest College, and will enter school there next fall.

Mozele Gold received the Reciter’s Medal; her reading was “When the Moon Rose.”

Maynard Blanton received the Declamation Medal. His subject: “Spartacus to Gladiators.”

Miss Annie Davis of Green River in Polk County was awarded the scholarship medal. Her average for the year was 96.

A most tempting dinner, served picnic fashion, was very much enjoyed.

The afternoon program was in charge of the primary and grammar grades and consisted of songs, recitations and short dialogues. The children performed well their parts and showed careful training on the part of the teachers.

The teachers in charge of the school the past session were Mr. B.G. Weathers, Misses Alpha Elliott and Estelle Carpenter and was one of the best sessions the school has ever had.

After the exercises, the Parent-Teachers’ Association had a short meeting and elected officers for the coming year.


Honor Roll

For sixth month of Forest City public schools:

1-A Grade—Claude Haynes, Bunyan Jones.

1-B Grade—Gwendolyn Proctor, Hicks Hill, Jack Cooper, Bertha Baynard, Hull Jones.

1-C Grade—Annie Moore, Evelyn Morehead, Myra Morris, Boyce Covington Jr., Mary F. Harrill, Farmer Thomas, Robert Jackson.

1-D Grade—I.T.D. Philbeck, Charlotte Davis.

2-A Grade—Guy Vess, George Avant, Onieda Leonhardt, Virginia Magness, Howard Magness, Ernest champion.

2-B Grade—Dorothy Green, Alice Fletcher, Paul Hamrick, Zulema Tolleson, Worth Daniel, Bostic Jones, John Blanton, Hilda Settlemyre, Billie Avant.

3-A Grade—No report.

3-B Grade—Alice Owens, Sarah Bridges, Evelyn Jones, George Laughter, Kathrine Moore.

3-C Grade—No report.

4-A Grade—Callie Deane, Blanche Doggett, Katie Hardin.

5th Grade—Roy Watkins, James Thomas, Charles Ford, W.B. Marks, Grace Jones, Bernice Kanipe, Horace Yelton.

6-A Grade—Agnes Davis, Earl Huntley, Marie Huntley, Mary Jones, Mary Mears, Eva Owens.

6-B Grade—Alice Holmes, Sara Ruth Doggett.

7th Grade—Kathryn Barber, Margaret Moore, Leo Padgett, Ruth Doggett.

8th Grade—Alice Barber, Robert Lee Harrill, Hilda McDonald, Hattie Baynard.

9th Grade—Roland Morgan, Wade Matheny, Flora Matheny, Merle Hollifield.

10th Grade—Frank Biggerstaff, Laura Mae Watson, Mattie Lee Flack, Ruth Mears.

11th Grade—Ralph Biggerstaff, Louise Harrill, Helen Covington.

From the front page of The Forest City Courier, March 30, 1922

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