
Tuesday, March 29, 2022

I.R. Elam Writes Stating His Innocence, March 29, 1922

Letter From I.R. Elam

Editor Davie Record:--

I have been informed that the people of Davie county and surrounding territory are under the impression that I plead guilty to the crime I was charged with in your community. That, if investigated, will be found to be a mistake, because I could hardly submit to an awful charge like this, knowing my innocence. When a man’s life is at stake, it is something to study about. All the evidence against me was purely circumstantial. With God’s word to carry with me to the penitentiary at Raleigh, I’m satisfied that I won’t have to stay long, “All things whatsoever ye ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” Believing this beautiful verse and trusting Him superior in all things is what I rely on as to my return home a better man, standing for all is right and trying to show men the brighter side of life always. I want to thank the kind people of Mocksville, especially the sheriff and his deputies, also Mrs. Bradley and Mrs. Tomlinson, for the courtesies extended me during my stay here. Would to God that we had millions of mothers like these, who remember you even inside the prison walls. My thoughts and prayers will always be for this kind of work, and may I ask that I and my dear little family be remembered in your prayers. I fully acknowledge that I have done things unbecoming to a man, but I have never been a crook and I pray for the time that the people of my state will see my name in places besides in the court proceedings. A letter of encouragement often helps people in my condition and any time I hear from any of you, I assure you it will e deeply appreciated. May God’s richest blessings come to each and every one of you.


I.R. Elam

Mocksville, N.C., March 23, 1922

From the Davie Record, Mocksville, N.C., March 29, 1922

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