
Monday, March 14, 2022

Is America Threatened by Jews, Catholics, Mormons, Boll Weevils, the Devil? March 14,1922

The Monroe Enquirer says that Henry ford tells us the Jews are going to take the country, that The Menace, anti-Catholic paper, tells us the Catholics are the ones needing watching, that Mrs. Sheppard told the editor of that paper the other day that the Mormons are going to get us if we don’t watch out, that the Farm Demonstration agent had declared that the Boll Weevil is going to take Union County, and that Dr. Weaver says the devil is sure to get us if we don’t mend our ways. The Monroe paper then concludes that with these dreadful things staring us in the face, “Lord preserve us, for we are certainly in a pickle!” Of course, The Enquirer got this off in rather a light vein, and yet there never was a time in the history of the world when it was more necessary for one to exercise common sense than at this very moment. If we took everything we heard seriously, it only would be a short while until we should be in the Lord knows what kind of a fix.

From the editorial page of the Stanly News-Herald, Albemarle, N.C., March 14, 1922

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