
Sunday, March 20, 2022

Ku Klux Klan Pledges to Bring Matthew Bullock Back From Canada, March 20, 1922

Mean to Get Negro. . . Says Million Klansmen Will Bring Bullock from Canada

Hickory, March 18—Speaking before a large audience in Hickory Thursday night, Dr. Arthur Talmadge Abernethy of Asheville, lecturer for the Ku Klux Klan, referred to a case in which he said Governor Morrison was refused extradition of a negro by Canada and asserted that one million Klansmen from Maine to Texas have been pledged to see that the negro is returned to North Carolina for trial. “And this will happen in the next 90 days,” he added.

While Dr. Abernethy did not mention the name of the man he said was sought by the authorities of this state, the audience understood him to refer to Matthew Bullock, wanted at Norlina on a charge of attempted murder growing out of a race riot at that place about a year ago. Bullock was recently given his liberty by Judge Snyder at Hamilton, Ont., where he was arrested, when Governor Morrison refused to send witnesses to Canada to testify at his extradition hearing.


Morrison Knows Nothing

Raleigh, March 18—“I know absolutely nothing about this and have no comment to make.” This is all that Governor Morrison would say regarding the statement made by Dr. Arthur T. Abernethy at Hickory that one million Klansmen were pledged to see that a man, believed to be Matthew Bullock, is brought back to North Carolina from Canada to stand trial on charged preferred against him in this state.

From The Greensboro Patriot, March 20, 1922.

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