
Thursday, March 24, 2022

Mars Hill Baseballers Beat Marshall Nine, March 24, 1922

Mars Hill Baseballers Uncork Swat Season in Western Carolina

Mars Hill college baseballers pushed off to sea Saturday by defeating the strong Marshall nine in the opening game of the season at the “Planet base” by the score of 7 to 1.

With weather conditions encouraging, the game was a good exhibition of early spring ball. Coach Roberts tried out a multitude of new players of promise and was satisfied with the showing made by them.

The Mars Hill men hit the ball hard at times and this bunching of hits accounts for the majority of scores piled up against the visiting team.

The summary:

Base on balls: off Metcalf 2; Goode 5. Hit by pitched ball, Berry, Struck out; Davis 6; Metcalf 3; Allen 2; Goode 12. Two-base hits: Hutchins 2; W.A. Davis and Briggs.

W.A. Davis, pitching for Mars Hill, was a twirler in the Western North Carolina league last year, playing on the Asheville club during the latter part of the season.

From the Asheville Times, as reprinted on the front page of The News-Record, Marshall, Madison County, N.C., Friday, March 24, 1922. The Madison County Record was established in 1901 and the French Broad News in 1907; the two newspapers consolidated in 1911.

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