
Monday, March 7, 2022

Modern Laundry, Dry Cleaning Plans for Charlotte, March 7, 1922

Opening of Laundry Office in Monroe Announced

The Union Laundry and Cleaning Co., announce the opening of an office in the Blair-English building on South Main Street for the organization of a modern laundry and dry cleaning plant, and Mr. Sheppard desires to get in immediate personal touch with all citizens interested in the establishment of this industry for the city of Monroe.

The concern is assembling a complete dry cleaning and hat renovating plant and has taken over the cleaning and pressing equipment of Mr. O.C. Laney, Mr. Laney is connected with the firm as outside representative. Expert service will be given the public in these lines.

Pending the organization of the laundry proper, an arrangement has been affected with the laundries of Charlotte to give the people of Monroe a laundry service at the prices charged in Charlotte. Within 10 days a truck will be in operation between Monroe and Charlotte, as well as in the city, for collection and delivery of both laundry and dry cleaning. By giving such a service to the people and getting acquainted and in personal touch with them, Mr. Sheppard hopes to better determine by the volume of business secured the type of equipment necessary and arrangement of proper addition to building for the installation of a plant to suit the needs of the people.

It is desired that everyone give their active co-operation in order to encourage the immediate development of the laundry plant.

From the front page of The Monroe Journal, March 7, 1922

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