
Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Roxboro Courier Favors Tax Raise, March 22, 1922

More Tax

Whenever you say tax we are all inclined to buck, but sometimes we need to consider well before we decide to cast our vote against the increase. And that time is just now with the voters of Bethel Hill High School district. An election is to be held soon in this district raising the tax rate from 10 cents on the $100 to 30 cents on the $100. No not make the mistake of saying 30 per cent, if it is necessary to go to the limit for school purposes. Now consider well what it will mean by the school of that district. Under the present levy of 10 cents they do not have the necessary funds to carry on the school as it should be run. With the increase there would be at Bethel Hill a first class accredited high school, the only one in the County, for even the High School, run in connection with the Roxboro Graded school, is not an accredited first class high school. Here the school is in the accredited list, but not first class, so there are some few things, among them domestic science, which is not taught and is necessary to have become a first-class credited high school. So, from the matter of pride in our County, you should very much like to see the Bethel Hill High School become a first class accredited school and to do this it is necessary to vote this school proposition.

Remember further that when this tax is voted that every cent of this tax money will go to Bethel Hill High School, not a penny of it can or will be spent in any other school district in the County. You are voting for the good of our own children, and no man but what feels that his child is entitled to the very best to be had. We do not know what rate will be necessary to run the school as it should be, but granted that it will take every cent of the allowance, 30 cents on the $100, just count what your extra tax will be and see if it is not very much cheaper than you can send your child off to school elsewhere and get what you will get at home if you vote the increase.

Yes, times are hard and money is scarce, yet many of you spend more money every year on gasoline and tires than your tax will be Automobiles are largely for pleasure, while this tax is for the benefit of your child, preparing it so that it will not go out into the world handicapped for lack of knowledge. Better discard your automobile and vote the extra tax, if by voting the tax it will be necessary to take such a drastic step.

The lead editorial of the Roxboro Courier, March 22, 1922, J.W. Noell, editor.

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