
Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Stills Captured in Moore's Springs, Beaver Island Sections, March 15, 1922

Officers Made Raid Near Moore’s Springs

Sheriff H.D. Turpin and deputies made a search for stills on the branches in the Moore’s Springs section yesterday and found a great many places where there had been stills, but the coppers were not found. A quantity of malt was destroyed.


Still Brought In From Beaver Island Section

Another still was brought in yesterday from Beaver Island township by Deputy Sheriff C.E. Joyce. The operators wee at the still when Mr. Joyce found it, but he was unable to arrest any of them. They were running the outfit at full capacity.


Sheriff Captures Fourth Still There Within Eight Days

Sheriff H.D. Turpin and deputies on Saturday captured another big copper still in the Meadows community, destroying with it several barrels of beer or slop. The still was placed in the jail here.

On Sunday morning another raid was made in the same community, with the result that still another copper and complete stilling outfit was brought here to jail Sunday afternoon. Several barrels of beer were also destroyed on this round.

From the Danbury Reporter, Wednesday, March 15, 1922

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