
Friday, March 25, 2022

Successful Highland Graded School Play Raises $100, March 25, 1922

Large Audience Witnesses Play

The Highland graded school auditorium was used for the first time at any entertainment last night when the members of the school presented the play, “Valley Farm,” a delightful comedy-drama in four acts, to a full house, the auditorium accommodating about 400 persons.

The young people taking part in the play acquitted themselves in a very creditable manner and drew tremendous applause. It was the best entertainment of its kind and was deserving of the liberal patronage that was given it. The proceeds amounted to well above a hundred dollars. Misses Rosa Sox and Lula Yount coached the young people in the parts and to them as well as the players is due much of the credit for the fine entertainment.

The cast of characters is as follows:

Harold Rutledge, a young New Yorker—Everett Sox.

Perry Dean, a son of the soil—Zeb Brown.

David Hildreth, a New York lawyer—Russell Yount.

Silas Holcomb, owner of Valley Farm, Mack Little.

Azariah Keep, a clock tinker—Samuel Sox.

Jennings, servant at the Rutledge Mansion—James White.

Hetty Holcomb, a country flower transplanted to the city soil—Edna Sigmon.

Isabel Carney, niece of David Hildreth—Zettah Newton.

Mrs. Rutledge, Harold’s mother—Claudia Sherrill.

Alvira Holcomb, sister of Silas—Irene Sox.

Lizy Ann tucker who borrows but “never gossips”—Nettie Hawn.

Verbena, hired girl of the farm—Lois Bowman.

From the Hickory Daily Record, March 25, 1922

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