
Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Washburn and Broadway News in the Forest City Courier, March 23, 1922

Washburn’s News

Bostic, R. 3, March 20—The Platonic Literary Society of Rutherford College gave their annual debate Friday, March 17. Program:

Address—By the President.

First Declaimer—True Education by author, M. Lewis.

Second Declaimer—The Unknown Speaker—Leonard Rayle.

Third Declaimer—Spartacus to the Gladiators by Howard L. Wells.

Music—By Annie B. Goode.

Mr. Bill O’Brien died this morning. Funeral services have not been arranged yet.

Mr. Howard Wells will return from Rutherford College Friday for a short stay.

Washburn’s school played Bostic last Friday, score being 5-10 in favor of Bostic.


Broadway Notes

Mr. Syd Cooper spent last week at home.

Mr. and Mrs. T.C. Smart spent the week-end at Cliffside.

Miss Oveda Sherlin spent the week-end at Spindale.

Jack Cooper has been out of school with chicken pox.

Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Harrill spent the week-end at Marshall.

Mr. Ed. Scruggs of Spindale was in town Saturday.

Mrs. Joe Morris has returned to her home, her school having closed.

Miss Fay Morris, who has been employed at Winston-Salem, is at home for a few weeks.

Mayor Lowrance was sick last week, but is able to be out again, much to the delight of his many friends.

Mrs. S.A. Bridges has returned to her home, after spending some time in the country.

Mrs. Fuller Proctor surprised her husband March 14 with a dinner. Quite a number of people gathered at the home to celebrate Mr. Proctor’s 29th birthday. Everybody had well filled baskets, and the table was spread in the yard while Mr. Proctor was away, providing a most happy surprise for him upon his return. The occasion was a most enjoyable one and everybody went away wishing Mr. Proctor many more happy returns of the day.

From the front page of The Forest City Courier, Thursday, March 23, 1922

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