
Saturday, April 23, 2022

Abernethy, Cathey, Kidd, Luckey, Hoover Graduate Paw Creek High School, April 23, 1922

Paw Creek School Closing Has Begun

The annual commencement exercises at the Paw Creek high school will be held Monday night at 8 o’clock at the school building, with appropriate exercises. The commencement season began with a play on Saturday night called “Mother Goose’s Goslings.”

The baccalaureate sermon will be delivered Sunday morning by Rev. W.B. Lindsay, pastor of the First Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church here. The sermon will be delivered at the school building.

The graduating exercises will be held Monday night at 8 o’clock. The exercises will include the presentation of seventh-grade certificates by Superintendent Matthews, of the county schools. Other features will be the class son, the Salutation, by Joel Todd; the class History by Louie Hoover; a poem by Mabel Luckey; class prophecy by Ada Kidd; class statistics by Evelyn Cathey; class donor, Lucy Abernethy; class will by Lavinia Abernethy; and the valedictory by Mabel Luckey.

Hamilton C. Jones, of the Charlotte bar, will deliver the address to members of the graduating class.

The graduates are Misses Lavinia Abernethy, Miss Lucy Abernethy, Evelyn Cathey, Ada Kidd, Mabel Luckey and Samuel Luckey, Joel and Louie Hoover.

The commencement season will close with the presentation of a play: Blue-Eyed Betty, Tuesday night.

From The Charlotte News, Sunday, April 23, 1922

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