
Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Charley Simmons, Elbert Bottomly Captured in Man Hunt, April 27, 1922

Man Hunt Follows Theft of Automobile

On last Saturday night some one stole a Ford roadster in this city belonging to the Mount Airy Drug Co. The theft was soon discovered an the proprietors of this farm at once began a hunt for the guilty ones and also for their car. Two young men, Charley Simmons and Elbert Bottomly from over about Galax, were later captured and are now being held in Dobson jail in default of a bond for the crime. It seems that these young men left here Saturday night with the stolen car, going to Stuart, Va. From there they made a trip to Max Meadows and for some reason backtracked to Hillsville. Here they became short of funds and endeavored to sell the car for $100. The officers of this place suspicioned something wrong when such a low price was being asked for the car and attempted to arrest the young men, but they were able to get in their car and make a try for their freedom.

The officers started in pursuit and the driver of the stolen car gave up the race after a few miles, but the other occupant wanted to continue the race on foot, and so he changed the contest from that of an automobile to a foot race. Report says he was able to dodge about over the country for four hours with the officers in close pursuit. During the meantime the entire neighborhood had taken an interest in the man-hunt and when the capture of the young man was effected there are said to have been more than 200 men and boys in the crowd that was trying to corner their prey.

From The Mount Airy News, Thursday, April 27, 1922.

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