
Saturday, April 23, 2022

Death of Grace Parrot, 16, and Other City News, April 23, 1922

City News Told in Tabloid Form

--Directors of the Y.W.C.A. will hold an extra meeting at the association building Monday morning at 11 o’clock.

--The monthly meeting of the local Insurance Exchange will be held at the Chamber of Commrce Monday at 1 p.m.

--Sam Howie, formerly connected with the Westinghouse Air Spring Agency on East Sixth Street, has gone to Lillington to accept a position with a contracting company.

--Chalmers Fesperman of the local police detective squad, who underwent an operation for appendicitis at the Presbyterian Hospital 10 days ago, was able to be out again Saturday.

--Clark Kirkpatrick left Saturday morning to attend the funeral of his brother, Hutch Kirkpatrick, formerly of Mecklenburg county, who has been in the fruit-growing business at Clear Water, Florida, for the last 15 years.

--Mr. and Mrs. P.R. Hall are announcing the birth of a son, Phillip Robert Hall Jr. Mother and son are at the Mercy Hospital.

--Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Orr announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, April 18th, at their home on Tenth avenue.

--Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Bodeker are returning to their former home in Birmingham, going by way of Pinehurst, where they will spend a few days. Mr. Bodeker is secretary and treasurer of Bodeker’s Detective Agency and has been in charge of the local branch for some time.

--Mrs. W.E. Langford and young son, Billy Jr., have gone to Asheville, where they joined Mr. Langford, who recently left here to assume the managership of the S. & W. Cafeteria. Mr. and Mrs. M.B. Rose went with Mrs. Langford and son through the country.

--Students of the Belmont school will present a play entitled, Mother Goose Goslings” at the school next Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. and 8 p.m. The play will be presented under the auspices of the Belmont Parent-Teacher association and proceeds will be used by the association.

--Miss Grace Elizabeth Parrott, 16-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Parrott, 401 East 15th street, died at her parents’ home Friday afternoon. Funeral services will be conducted Sunday at 3 p.m. at the Chapel of Hope by Rev. L.R. Auchutz, rector. Interment will be in Oaklawn cemetery.

--Dr. W.H. Fraser, president of Queens College, will occupy the pulpit at St. John’s Baptist Church Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. Rev. T.W. Chambliss, formerly connected with the State Mission Board of the Baptist State convention, who had been engaged to preach, is detained in the Western part of the State because of heavy rains and will be unable to reach the City.

--Dr. R.J. Pirkley of Louisville, Ky., who is holding evangelistic services at the First Baptist church, will address members of the three men’s classes of the Sunday school Sunday morning at 9:30 o’clock. The classes will meet in the class room of the First Baraca class in the assembly room of the Carnegie library. Business Men’s and the three Baraca classes have been invited to meet with the First Baraca. An attractive musical program has been arranged with a feature selection by the First Baptist Sunday school quartet.

From The Charlotte News, Sunday, April 23, 1922

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