
Thursday, April 21, 2022

Even if L.L. Winder Is Pardoned for Crime Upon Person of a Girl Under 15 Years of Age, Similar Charge Is Pending, April 21, 1922

Only One Hope for Winder Now. . . But If Governor Pardons Him, He Will Be Prosecuted Again

The Supreme Court finds no error in the case of L.L. Winder and this Elizabeth City man will e sent to the penitentiary at Raleigh to serve a three-year sentence unless Governor Morrison commutes his sentence. Whether Governor Morrison will hear Winder’s petition for executive clemency before the defendant is sent on to prison is not now here at this time. Powerful influences are at work to have the Governor take prompt action.

The decision of the Supreme Court was made known Wednesday and it only remains now for the Clerk of that Court to certify the record to the Clerk of the Superior Court of this County. Upon receipt of certification of the Supreme Court record, the Clerk of the Superior Court will issue a capias for the instant arrest of the defendant who is out on bond, and he will be taken to Raleigh. It is sometimes a week or 10 days after a Supreme Court decision is handed down, before the record is certified to the clerk of the Supreme Court.

L.L. Winder, 52 years old, a prominent citizen and for many years engaged in the real estate business in this city, was convicted of a crime upon the person of a girl under 15 years of age, as the Sept. 1921 term of the Superior Court in this county. He is at all time stoutly protested that he is an innocent victim of circumstances and of a conspiracy. But if his sentence in this case is commuted he will e prosecuted on another charge in which the prosecuting witness is another young girl. The State, convinced of the guilt of the accused, will show him no quarter.

News of the Supreme Court’s adverse decision has come as a staggering blow to the defendant’s family.

From the front page of The Independent, Elizabeth City, N.C., April 21, 1922

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