
Saturday, April 30, 2022

Even Janitors Want to See Chapel Hill Beat Virginia, April 30, 1922

Janitors Once More Beg Quarters for Big Game. . . Ancient Plea Utilized by Dusky Denizens of Dorms to Get to Greensboro

Reviving the ancient custom of “Boss, I wants to go to Greensboro Sadday, so please gimme ah little hit o’ money,” all the janitors were making their rounds late Friday afternoon, and some even began Thursday morning. They said that they had to see Coach Bill’s team wipe Virginny off the map, and they did not have the necessary cash to do, and then too, the African dominoes hadn’t been good to them lately.

Some put up tales of what they had done for their “guests,” and others promised to do more in the future, only they just had to have a little to go to Greensboro. “All beds will be made up before we go, and we want bother you no more after this,” and many other like tales of future service and past hard luck. They were all unanimous in one respect, however, and that was that they just had to be away Saturday, and that they would walk if they couldn’t get the money to go. Many reaped a good many shekles, while others were less fortunate.

From The Tar Heel, Extra edition, April 30, 1922

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