
Wednesday, April 13, 2022

God's Earthly Cathedral by Frances Harris, April 13, 1922

Miss Frances Harris Wins First Prize. . . Essay Written by Talented Pupil of Cliffside High School Gets First Place in County Contest

The following essay written by Miss Frances Harris of the Cliffside High School won the first prize in the county contest.


In the beginning God created heaven and earth. Since heaven was more beautiful than earth, God took a bit of heaven and scattered it over the face of the earth, in the form of trees, flowers, birds and other beauties. We speak of this bit of heaven as Nature. Nature is a most beautiful and wonderful creation. There is a peaceful and contented feeling in our souls as we walk through a wood on a sunlit spring day. It seems as if some unknown hand had soothed our troubled minds and taken all the unhappiness out of our hearts. There is a singing joy within us because we are in God’s Temple. In this Temple we tread softly lest we disturb some inmate. When we enter this outdoor Cathedral we tread on soft green carpets, with bright rower (bower?) designs here and there. This carpet covers the floor of the Cathedral, and is indeed a joy to behold. It is by far more beautiful than any carpet man has ever woven. Its duplicate cannot be found. In it are woven a few joys of heaven for warthy (worthy?) children whose hearts brighten from sadness to gladness.

From the front page of the Cliffside News, Thursday, April 13, 1922

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