
Saturday, April 9, 2022

Hubert Heffner, Ruth Penny Wed in Park Where They Studied, April 9, 1922

Wedding Culmination of College Romance

Chapel Hill, April 9—In the heart of Battles Park a few hundred yards from the campus, Hubert Heffner, a graduate student in the University, and Miss Ruth Penny of Clayton were married by Rev. W.D. Moss late this afternoon. The wedding came as the culmination of a romance that began two years ago when the two students used to study in the park together.

From the front page of the Wilmington Star, Sunday, April 9, 1922. Battle Park, named for University President Kemp Plummer Battle, still exists. It’s a 93-acred wooded park with a pedestrian trial system and the Forest Theatre. The newspaper printed the name as Battles Park but perhaps it meant Battle’s Park.

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