
Thursday, April 7, 2022

Items of Interest from McDowell County, April 6, 1922

Items of Interest From the County. . . Brief Mention of Some of the Happenings in McDowell—Items About Home People


Dysartsville, April 4—The news of Mrs. C.F. Kirksey’s death, at the Grace hospital at Morganton, brought sorrow to her many friends and relatives throughout the county. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. Pickens of Morganton Tuesday afternoon and interment was made at the Trinity cemetery. Mrs. Kirksey was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Landis. She has made her home in Morganton ever since her marriage, nearly 14 years ago. Mrs. Kirksey was nearing her 35th birthday. She has been a member of the Methodist church for a number of years. She was always ready when help was needed. She will not only be missed by her friends and relatives but she will be missed in the church and Sunday school.

She is survived by her mother, Mrs. J.B. Landis, and several brothers and sisters, Mrs. T.E. Satterwhite, Mrs. C.E. Cowan, John, Ben and Bratcher Landis of Dysartsville, Mrs. J.L. Laughridge, Mrs. J.L. Cowan, W.E. Landis of Marion, and Mrs. Robert Daves of Glen Alpine. Mrs. Mattie Jaquins was in Marion Monday.

A number of people from this place attended a singing at J.M. Walker’s of Laurel Hill Saturday evening and reported some fine singing and a nice time.

Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Laughridge, Mrs. J.S. Cowan and daughter, Miss Ruth, of Marion were pleasant visitors here Sunday.

David and Cronje Laughridge and Zeb Daves of Marion spent Saturday night and Sunday with relatives here.

John and Alfred Laughridge made a business trip to Bridgewater last week.

Miss Etta Walker and brothers, Arthur and Erastus, and Mr. Cronje and Joe Laughridge visited the Rutherford hospital Sunday.

W.H. Taylor, Duck Walker and John Daves made a business trip to Marion Monday.

J.P. Walker visited his wife at the Rutherford hospital last week.

Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Mangum were in Marion Monday.

J.P. Walker made a business trip to Marion Monday.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson, March 29th, a daughter.

Robert Laughridge made a business trip to Marion this week.

Miss Alice Mangum of Marion spent the week-end with homefolks here.

Jake Walker of Ninety Six, S.C., spent the week-end here.

Mrs. Henry Mangum is on the sick list.

Mrs. Clyde Duvall has returned home after spending a while with her sister, Mrs. McKinley Hutchins, at Spindale.

Jack Spratt made a business trip to Marion Tuesday.

The boys here enjoyed a good game of basketball with the Marion boys Monday afternoon. The score was 30 to 24 in favor of Marion.

R.E. Roper moved to Marion this week.


Old Fort, April 5—Jack and Finley Fortune of Asheville were in Old Fort Sunday.

Miss Clell Branham was in Marion Friday.

A number of young people enjoyed a truck ride to Marion Tuesday night, where they attended the debate.

J.M. Kanipe returned from Glenwood Saturday.

Mrs. Goswick of Winston-Salem spent the week-end with her daughter, Miss Alva Goswick.

The high school literary society gave a reception Friday afternoon in honor of the Old Fort debaters. A short musical program was rendered and a delightful punch and sandwich course was served by the domestic science classes.

Clarence Mauney was in Marion last Friday.

Mrs. K.C. Sawyer, who has been visiting her parents in Black Mountain, has returned home.

Roger Kanipe, who has been visiting relatives in Glenwood, returned Friday to Old Fort.

Miss K. Bailey and Miss F. Bruton were in Marion Monday afternoon.

Miss Mary Gleenlee, County Welfare officer, was in Old Fort one day last week.

Our debaters leave Wednesday for Chapel Hill to participate in the final triangular debate. Those going are Misses Cassie Burgin, Sallie Epley, Estelle Lavender and Mr. Wm. Treverton. They will be chaperoned by Miss Ethel Miller.

Paul Ditmore of Ann Arbor arrived Monday to visit his cousin, Mrs. G.W. Sandlin.

J.W. Kennedy has recently sold his house and lot to C.A. Snyder. Mr. Snyder will soon remove his family to Old Fort.

Deputy Sheriff D.Y. Grant on March 31st destroyed one of the largest steam distillery outfits ever captured in the county. The plant was located near the Miller place in Broad River township. The following equipment was also taken with the still: 17 fermenters of beer, 6 bushels of meal, 750 pounds of sugar and 5 gallons of liquor. Mr. Grant also destroyed a small outfit near Buck Falls on April 3.


Nebo, Rt. 1, April 3—Word has been received here of the death of J. Webb Walker, which occurred on March 27th at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J.S. Condrey, at Alexander, N.C. Mr. Walker had only recently moved from this community where he had spent the greater portion of his life and was well and favorably known by everybody. He was a Confederate veteran, and was nearing his 81st birthday, but notwithstanding his advanced age he had been very active up to a short time before his death. He is survived by three children—Mrs. H.B. Brackett of Forest City, Mrs. J.S. Condrey of Alexander, and J.D. Walker of this place, all of whom were present at the time of his death. He had for a number of years been an active member of the Baptist church and was always honest and upright in all his dealings. His passing will no doubt bring sadness to his many friends both here and elsewhere.

L.H. Whitener, J.M. Walker and Jesse Price were business visitors in Marion Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Condrey of Alexander spent the week-end with relatives here.

Mrs. J.B. Walker and Miss Nora McCurry were shopping in Marion Monday.

The singing at the home of J.M. Walker on last Saturday night was enjoyed by a large crowd.


Old Fort, Rt. 1, April 3—Miss Margaret Goforth is visiting her sister, Mrs. T.A. Porter.

Margaret Porter has been quite ill for the past few days.

David and Azar Griffin of Ridgecrest spent the week-end with homefolks here.

Wm. Porter of Swannanoa visited his brother here yesterday.

John Porter of Kingsport, Tenn., is visiting his father, T.A. Porter.

Farmers are getting anxious to begin farm work.

Mr. and Mrs. P. Parker of Greenlee visited the former’s parents here Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Parker of Marion visited their parents here last week.

The following young people went up Curtis creek last Sunday for a pleasure trip: Misses Annie Porter, Hattie Bradley, Maude Silver, Minnie Bradley; Messrs. Chas. Parker, Wm. Nichols, David Griffin and Arnold Moody.


Harmony Grove, April 3—There will be a box supper at Harmony Grove school house on Saturday night, April 15.

Mr. and Mrs. John Hensley were shopping in Marion, Saturday.

Mrs. E.R. Lawing gave a quilting last Thursday which was enjoyed by all present.

Joseph Holland made a business trip to Marion Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Tate Lewis visited relatives near Nebo Sunday.

Gradie Fender was in Marion one day last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl McNeely of Thompson’s Fork spent Sunday with the latter’s mother, Mrs. S.A. Bowman.

A large crowd enjoyed a singing given by Mrs. D.C. Anderson Sunday afternoon.


Chapel Hill, April 3—Mr. and Mrs. Will Huffman have gone to Hickory where they expect to make their future home.

Mr. and Mrs. T.M. Hicks spent the latter part of the week in Spindale with the former’s sister, Mrs. Morris, who is ill.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Poteet, March the 29th, a son.

W.C. Goodman has returned to his home at Flat Rock.

Miss Cora Bright of Marion spent the week-end with homefolks here.

Misses Mary Clay, Nancy and Pauline England, Marvin England and Frank Swann attended the box supper at Fairview school house Saturday night.


Old Fort, March 31—Arlander Plemmons spent Thursday in Old Fort on business.

Edward, little son of Mr. and Mrs. M.T. Green, was operated on at Old Fort Thursday. He is repotted to be getting along nicely.

Miss Lockye Nanney, a trained nurse of Rutherford hospital, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.I. Nanney.

Clan Searcy of Fairview is visiting friends and relatives here this week.

Mrs. Mary Morgan went to Old Fort Thursday where she will spend two weeks nursing her little nephew, Edward Green.


Old Fort, Star Route, April 4—Mrs. C.C. Burgin of Greenlee is visiting Mrs. M.A. Parker.

Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Reel and children visited Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Hogan on Crooked Creek Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. M.A. Parker spent Sunday at Greenlee as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E.T. Burgin.

J.M. Gibson made a business trip to Marion yesterday.

The arm dry days are pleasing to the farmers as the rain has put the farmers behind with their work.

From The Marion Progress, April 6, 1922. The Marion Progress is published every Thursday; S.E. Witten, Editor and Proprietor.

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