
Monday, April 4, 2022

John Cherry's Goat Tries to Make a Call, April 4, 1922

Poplar Point Goat Breaks All Records

Poplar Point township has many things to be proud of, excepting the county road, but it remained for Mr. John Cherry to break all records in the raising of domestic pet animals.

Mr. Cherry has a plain, unpedigreed billy goat that has an unusual ?? at of sense and also a hasty temper when aroused.

A few days ago a member of the family desiring to use the telephone, proceeded to take the directory from off the hook and search for the correct number. Old brother goat watched this manoeuver with unusual attention and a few minutes later when there was no one in sight this same goat proceeded to do a little phoning of his own account. Approaching the box, all indications point to his getting the receiver off the hook by the use of his paw and the telephone book down with his nose. However the book with its many pages of names proved bill’s undoing so far as telephoning was concerned, for the rare taste of printer’s ink combined with the fine bond paper and attractive advertisements caused this book to last only a few minutes, for within a short time Mr. Cherry discovered Billy chewing the last and final page of the directory with evident relish, and bla-a-ing for more books to eat.

No doubt had the book been less palatable, Billy would have proceeded to call up Central on his own account, and it is possible his request over the phone would have been about as distinguishable as some of the many peculiar sounds heard daily as emanating from human throats and deciphered by a patient central office.


From the front page of The Enterprise, Williamston, Martin County, N.C., Tuesday, April 4, 1922

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