
Thursday, April 21, 2022

McPherson Starts Bus Line to Norfolk, Va., May 1, 1922

To Operate Auto Buses on Short Line to Norfolk

L.B. Perry, dealer in Reo and Marmon Motor cars of this city, has sold the second Reo passenger bus to be operated on a daily run between Elizabeth City and Norfolk, via South Mills. The purchaser is O.E. McPherson. Mr. McPherson expects to start his line in operation about May 1. Leaving Elizabeth City at 7:30 a.m. the bus will arrive at South Mills at 9 a.m. and Norfolk at 10:30 a.m. The opening of the Dismal Swamp Highway from South Mills to Deep Creek, Va., puts Elizabeth City within 42 miles of Norfolk, 10 miles nearer than by the Currituck route.

From The Independent, Elizabeth City, N.C., April 21, 1922. The photo shows a 1928 Reo bus; I couldn't find a photo of one from 1922.

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