
Friday, April 15, 2022

News Briefs From Lexington High School, April 15, 1922


Charles Davis, our junior class president, was taken to Salisbury to Stokes Hospital Saturday, April 8th, to be operated on for appendicitis. His condition was grave but he is improving gradually. We are very sorry that he will not be able to come ack to school this year.


Miss Lula Walker was called home last Saturday on account of the illness of her mother and has not yet returned. We hope that Mrs. Walker will improve and that Miss Lula will soon be with us again.


The ninth Latin was the first class to raise their subscriptions to the Leihipep to 100 per cent. The Seniors, seeing that their leadership was about to be defied, promptly made the announcement that they had 120 per cent. This being an incentive, the Tenth Science followed with 100 per cent. We need more sections with perfect subscription records.


Dr. Spruill, of the State Sanatorium, made a very interesting talk last Monday to the High School on tuberculosis. We were lucky indeed to have him with us.


The Parent-Teacher Association has decided to put on a membership drive. Cards for this purpose have been received and each grade is beginning to get down to work to win the prize, which is a picnic. The dues for one year is 25 cents and any resident citizen of Lexington may join.


The Reading and Declamation contests, which have become annual affairs, are beginning to gather headway among the High School students. Three girls and nine boys have thus far entered the contest. There will probably be about double this number before the contest really starts.

From The Lexipep, Lexington High School, April 15, 1922

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