
Friday, April 15, 2022

Poem by Protus Koontz in Lexhipep, April 15, 1922

Where I’d Rather Be

By Protus Koontz

When I am in the schoolroom,

I think I’d rather be

Back with my daddy on the farm,

Under the apple tree.

On Saturday when I get there,

He makes me work till dark

With the hammer, axe or saw,

And I tell you boys, it’s no lark.

I don’t mind plowing Maud,

Not very much old Nell,

But when it comes to Bob

I wish I was in ---oh well!

Then if I were back in school,

I think I’d be content

To study my lessons well

And even pay the room rent.

So you see it’s where we’re not,

That we think we’d like to be.

Why can’t we all play Polly Anna

And like what we have, you see?

From The Lexhipep, newspaper published by the Lexington High School, April 15, 1922. Protus Koonz was a member of the Class of ’23 and he boarded in town, going home on weekends.

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