
Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Porter Graves the Man to Deal With Crime Wave, April 27, 1922

The Crime Wave

The so-called crime wave that is sweeping the country and filling our prisons and overflowing our chain gangs is one of the modern wonders of the times that follow the world war. When it will end and to what extent it will yet go is thought for careful thinkers. There has been nothing like it in modern times, and what the solution is no man can say. The courts of the land are taken up hearing the criminal docket and civil causes are often not reached.

It is gratifying to all lovers of justice and fair dealing that this district has a man as prosecuting attorney who can well represent the State in these stirring times. No man has filled the office of Solicitor with more credit to himself and his state than S. Porter Graves. And he has been able to so acquit himself as to run ahead of his party ticket in every election since he has been before the people. It is well known that this district is one that could be easily carried by a Republican if the Democrats were not to have a strong and popular candidate. There is almost no doubt about the election of Mr. Graves at the coming fall election if he is a nominee of his party, which he most certainly will be if his friends are awake to the situation. The only way he could be defeated at the coming primaries in June would be for his friends to feel that his nomination is certain and put forth no effort to counteract the opposition that has developed from Rockingham and Forsyth counties. Certainly this is no time to put the interests of the State in the hands of a man who has yet to make his mark when the situation demands the best talent the country can put forth if the best interests of all the people are to be protected.

From the editorial page of The Mount Airy News, Thursday, April 27, 1922, J.E. Johnson & Son, Publishers

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