
Friday, April 22, 2022

Richard Hahn Shows Juvenile Eagle He Shot, April 22, 1922

Eagle Brought Here by Farmer of County. . . Bird Was Killed by Mr. Richard Hahn on His Farm a Few Miles From Mt. Pleasant

Richard Hahn, farmer of No. 8 township, this county, brought to Concord today a young eagle he killed this week. The bird has been nailed to a post near the cotton platform, and has been the center of interest today.

Mr. Hahn shot the eagle on his farm east of Mt. Pleasant. The bird’s wings measure 6 feet and 7 inches from tip to tip, and its claws are about 2 inches long. The bird weighed a little more than 5 pounds.

Mr. Hahn thought at first he had killed a large hawk, but fowl experts here declare the bird is a young eagle.

Reports from Charlotte today tell of the killing of an Eagle in Mecklenburg County Friday, and it is believed the eagle killed by Mr. Hahn is the mate of the one killed by the negro farmer in Mecklenburg.

From the front page of the Concord Daily Tribune, Saturday, April 22, 1922. The photo of the juvenile eagle is from Photos and Videos for Bald Eagle, All About Birds, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, an excellent site for identifying all sorts of birds found in the United States.

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