
Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Studebaker Driven by Guthrie Bradsher Catches Fire, April 12, 1922

Automobile Burned

On last Saturday Mr. Guthrie Bradsher and a party of four ladies were out on the road leading to Leasburg when the car he was driving, a Studebaker Six belonging to Mr. Errol D. Morton, caught fire and burned up. It seems the car had been giving trouble when in some way there was a short circuit which set it on fire. The car was almost completely destroyed, only the wheels and the chassis not burning.

From The Roxboro Courier, Wednesday, April 12, 1922. The photo is taken from an advertisement for a 1922 Studebaker Six offered for sale today, which will give the reader an idea of what the car looked like.

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