
Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Why The Graphic Was Late, April 20, 1922

A Series of Mishaps Handicaps The Graphic

It was with much difficulty The Graphic made its appearance last week on account of an unexpected smashing of our newspaper press just at the time when the edition was being run out, which necessitated all work in other departments to cease for several hours, the broken parts put in a car and rushed to the machine shops at Rocky Mount, where we were fortunate in getting a considerable amount of acetylene welding and repairs made at once. These were brought back to Nashville and the press re-assembled, and the edition completed, requiring an all-night job.

This week our troubles have been augmented by the non-arrival of a shipment of paper from the mills, and none could be secured this side of Norfolk, which meets the requirements of The Graphic. However, a rush shipment by express late Thursday afternoon enabled the paper to reach our subscribers a day late.

From The Graphic, Nashville, N.C., Thursday, April 20, 1922, M.W. Lincke, publisher.

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