
Monday, May 23, 2022

Chamber of Commerce Backs Hiring Ag. Agent, Investigates Land Bank, May 23, 1922

Agricultural Demonstration Agent Will Be Employed. . . Committee Appointed to Investigate Joint Stock Land Bank and Report Back With Recommendations to a Later Meeting

A meeting of the Chamber of Commerce was held yesterday afternoon at 4 o’clock at the Mayor’s office at which time two propositions were presented for consideration.

The first was the employment of an agricultural demonstration agent for the intensive development of the community immediately surrounding Scotland Neck through local and State and Federal aid. After much discussion and consideration the following resolution was offered by Mr. Henry T. Clark and passed: Resolved: That the Chamber of Commerce go on record as favoring the proposition of employing an agricultural administration agent, and that three committees be appointed to raise $50 per month which which to maintain said agent.

The State Agriculture Department will furnish a man and contribute a like amount, the amount required locally being guaranteed and paid through the Chamber of Commerce.

The following committees were appointed: H.T. “Clark, T.B. Wheeler, G. Hoffman; second committee: R.C. Josey Jr., R.L. Hardy, ?. B. Edwards; third: C.S. Alexander, W.E. Smith, S.A. Dunn.

The second proposition was the organization of a unit of a Joint Stock Land Bank with a capitalization of $27,500. The central bank would have a capital of $250000 with 10 units. Each unit would have a loaning capacity of $400,000, or about $15 for each one put up. Much interest was manifested in this proposition and the chair was requested to appoint a committee to investigate this matter thoroughly and report back to a called meeting at an early date. This committee was as follows: G. Hoffman, J.H. Alexander Jr. and S.A. Dunn.

It was the consensus of opinion of all present that these two undertakings would revolutionize conditions locally and throughout this immediate section and that any sacrifices would be justified in order to put them through.

From the front page of The Commonwealth, Scotland Neck, N.C., May 23, 1922

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