
Saturday, May 7, 2022

Charlotte News Briefs, May 7, 1922

City News Told in Tabloid Form

--Born to Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Byrum of 407 Worthington avenue, Dilworth, a daughter, Robert Oren.

--John W. Hinshaw, who has been at the Presbyterian hospital for an operation for appendicitis, has returned to his home on East Vance street. --J.F. Endy of 910 West First street, who has been ill for several weeks with influenza, is slowly recovering.

--A.R. Kroh will speak at the weekly luncheon of the Charlotte Automotive Trade Association at the Chamber of Commerce Monday at 1 p.m.

--J.H. Ross will occupy the pulpit of the Pegram Street Presbyterian Church Sunday morning, and at the 8 o’clock night services, Rev. H.C. Carmichael will preach.

--Parks Kirkpatrick has returned from Clearwater, Fla., where he was called some days ago because of the death of his brother, Hutchison Kirkpatrick, who was a prosperous planter of that section of Florida.

--Charlotte members of the Kappa Alpha fraternity have received invitations to attend a meeting of the fraternity to be held in Durham next Thursday evening, the meeting to be largely social in its nature.

--H.C. Sherrill & Company have sold to Charles D. Shelby Jr. and wife, Lucy Flynn Shelby, for $1,000 and other considerations, a lot on Pecan avenue, Elizabeth Heights, according to a deed of transfer filed in the clerk of court’s office.

--Communion services are to be held at the Providence Presbyterian Church in connection with he 11 o’clock hour Sunday. The new pastor, Dr. H.E. Guerney, who recently came to this pastorate from that of the First Presbyterian Church of Monroe, will conduct the exercises.

--Funeral of Charles H. Jr., 10-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Fredrickson, 213 Crescent avenue, who died Friday night, will be conducted Sunday at 4:30 p.m. at the home by Rev. G.F. Bell, pastor of Caldwell Memorial Presbyterian Church.

--Howard Long is spending the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.DF. Long. He will leave Monday for Spartanburg, S.C., where he will represent Erskine College in the intercollegiate debate with the University of South Carolina and Wofford College.

--The funeral of J. Lindsay Ross, former Charlottean, who died at his home in Concord Friday night, will be held at Concord Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock. Mr. Ross had been ill for nearly two weeks with pneumonia. He lived in Charlotte until a year and a half ago when he removed to Concord. He was president of the Carolina Specialty Company and traveled throughout North Carolina. He was well-known in the cotton mill trade.

--Building permits were issued Saturday by R.P. Connelly, city building inspector, as follows: 7-room residence, 1319 East Fourth street, cost, $3,700; C.H. Robinson and Company, owner; S.E. Hilton, builder; four 5-room apartments, remodeled, at 14 South Myers street, cost, $5,000; William A. Shaw, owner; Prenell and Wood, builders; 6-room residence, Baldwin avenue, cost, $2,700; A.T. Stegall, owner and builder.

From The Charlotte News, May 7, 1922

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