
Monday, May 23, 2022

Cherryville Bans Dance Halls, May 22, 1922

Cherryville Places Ban on Dance Halls

Cherryville, May 12—The new officers of the town, after taking the oath of office, entered upon their duties Tuesday night. The following is the list of the principal officers for the coming year:

F.U. Mauney, Mayor; W.C. Hicks, town clerk; C.A. Rudisill, T.C. Summer, A.H. Huss, and N.B. Kendricks, commissioners. All of whom were elected virtually without opposition, except the mayor who won by a majority of about 2 ½ to 1 over John J. George, former mayor, after a very hard and systematic fight for him by his friends in his absence from the city.

That the present board is determined to put the lid on is evidenced by the fact that they passed an ordinance at their initial meeting completely outlawing dance halls, by providing a penalty of $50 per day for the operation of any such as may exact an admission charge. This course has been sanctioned and pressed upon the board for some time by the ministerial association and other organizations of the town. Other blue laws are being suggested from time to time and will likely be acted upon right soon.

It is understood that the present town officials intend to continue their improvement program until a number of streets have improved sidewalks, and it is expected that work will begin soon upon extensions to the present water system amounting to about $40,000 or more.

From the front page of the Lincoln County News, Lincolnton, N.C., May 22, 1922

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