
Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Class of '22 Graduates From Hickory High School, May 31, 1922

Happy Seniors Hold Their Exercises

The Hickory High School graduating exercises of the class of 1922 were held in the auditorium last night witnessed by an audience that packed the large theatre, many standing at the rear and sides.

The stage decorated with beautiful sweet peas and mountain laurel, making a pretty setting for graduates who made an imposing sight just above the stage the figures “1922” were made of flowers against a background of green.

Lively music was rendered by the High School orchestra before and after the graduating exercises. Before ethe presentation of the diplomas by Supt. R.W. Carver, Mayor Yount presented two gold medals offered by Mr. A.J. Essex and Mr. J.J. Willard, the medal offered Mr. Essex for the best average in scholarship and attendance for the past four years was won by Miss Violet Carpenter. Miss Katherine Cline was presented with the medal offered by Mr. Willard for the best English average for the past four years.

The senior class of 1922 not only had the distinction of being the largest senior class in the history of the school but was also the most feted class. During the past few weeks before graduation they were guests of honor at a number of luncheons and dinners.

A fine program was rendered by the graduates, the first part of which was made up of some good speeches while the latter part dealt more intimately with the class and in the class history and last will some clever bits of humor were displayed.

After the last diploma had been presented by Mr. Craver, the ushers marched to the roar of the stage laden with beautiful flowers and gifts for the seniors.

From the front page of The Hickory Daily Record, May 31, 1922. A copy of the graduation program was printed on page 3 of the Daily Record.

Senior Class 1922

Claude Wolff, President

Hermene Warlick, Vice-President

Alice Cilley, Secretary

Nathan Jones, Treasurer


Iona Abernethy

Gladys Barger

Zelda Barger

Norman Bisanar

Virginia Bryan

Arledge Boyd

Violet Carpenter

Alice Cilley

Thomas Cilley

Katherine Cline

Robert Drye

Alice Frye

Nina Frye

Ted Hawn

Frankie Huffman

Mattie Icard

Leon Ivey

Pauline Johnson

Nathan Jones

Pauline Kuhn

Josephine Lyerly

Kate McGalliard

Mary Stuart Menzies

Mabel Miller

Fay Mitchell

Julia Mitchell

Elizabeth Moose

Margaret Newton

Clyde Poovey

Paula Puffenberger

Elizabeth Russell

Lewis Scruggs

Jacob Seaboch

Alma Shell

Guy Sigmon

Donald Stevenson

Hazel Thompson

Hermene Warlick

Everette Whisnant

Ruth Whisnant

Edith Whitener

Claude Wolff


Nancy Sherrill, Chief

Elizabeth Abernethy

Elizabeth Davis

Margaret Holbrook

Chester Eaton

Cloyd Flowers

Paul Sherrill

Leslie Whitener

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