
Monday, May 30, 2022

Dr. L.W. Glazebrook to Speak on Cooperation in Community Life, May 30, 1922

Cooperation in Community Life

The members of the Conetoe Methodist Men’s Club extend a cordial invitation to all interested in community life to attend a mass meeting to be held at Conetoe schoolhouse Friday, June 2, at 2:30.

Dr. L.W. Glazebrook, president of the board of social services, Washington City, will speak on “Cooperation in Community Life.”

Dr. Glazebrook is an able speaker and a layman whose interest in life is advocating the Golden Rule and promoting the brotherhood of man as the main factor in community life. Everyone should come and hear him.

From the front page of The Daily Southerner, Tarboro, N.C., Tuesday, May 30, 1922

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