
Friday, May 6, 2022

Edmund Patterson Dies in Richmond, Va., May 6, 1922

Former Enfield Man Dies in Petersburg

Richmond, Va., May 5—Edmund H. Patterson, nephew of the late Mrs. W. Gordon McCabe, of this city, and formerly of Enfield, N.C., died here at his home in Petersburg, a victim of heart trouble. He was president of the Petersburg Savings and Trust Company, and was otherwise prominent in the business life of the community. He was a son of the late Capt. John R. Patterson, former postmaster of Petersburg and originally from Halifax County, N.C., who served as an officer in Mahone’s brigade in the War Between the States. Captain Patterson, it was recalled here today, made a special trip to New York a few years after the war to slap the face of a man in that city wo had written him an insulting business letter. His purpose accomplished, he returned home on the next train.

From The Progress, Enfield, N.C., May 6, 1922

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