
Thursday, May 19, 2022

Ellen White Willis Died as Peacefully as She Lived, May 19, 1922

She Died Peacefully Even as She Had Lived


A remarkable fact in the life of a lovely woman who died in Elizabeth City last Friday night was that she lived the life of a Methodist minister’s wife for 46 years without ever complaining of the sacrifices, hardships and countless inconveniences that make up the lot of a minister’s wife. Mrs. Ellen White Willis, who would have been 80 years old this fall, was a native of Randolph County. She graduated at Greensboro Female College in 1861 and married Rev. R.A. Willis, of the N.C. Methodist Conference, in 1864.

Rev. Mr. Willis came to Elizabeth City in 1900 as Presiding Elder of the Elizabeth City District, serving the district for four years. Upon his retirement in 1908, after an active ministry of 50 years, he came to Elizabeth City to live. Rev. R.A. Willis died in 1910 and Mrs. Willis continued her residence here, living with her daughter, Mrs. J.P. Kramer.

Elizabeth City never knew a sweeter, nobler woman, or one more devoted to her church and to the service of God and his children. She was active to the last. For more than 10 years and until her death she had served as President of the Missionary Society of the First Methodist Church of this city. She was for six years president of the Missionary Society of the N.C. Conference and president emeritus of that body until her death. She died suddenly and unexpectedly. After retiring Friday night, she suffered from a shortness of breath and arose from her bed. She sat about her room for a while without finding relief and then returned to her couch. Her soul took its flight silently and without a convulsion as she laid down for the last time.

Her son, Rev. R.H. Willis, now Presiding Elder of the Elizabeth City Conference, was in Little Rock, Ark., attending the General Conference of the Methodist Church at the time of her death. Three other children survive her: Mrs. J.P. Kramer and Miss Emma Willis, of this city, and Miss Minnie Willis of Lake Junaluska. The picture is from a recent photo by Mrs. Bayard Wootten.

From the front page of The Independent, Elizabeth City, N.C., Friday, May 19, 1922

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