
Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Fewer Contagious in Polk County, Says E.B. Cawthray, May 4, 1922

Fewer Contagious Diseases Prevalent

If the comparison of the number of cases of reportable diseases made to the North Carolina State Board of Health for the months of January, February, and March of 1921 and 1922 is any index to the death rate in the State, this year a new low record will be made.

During the first quarter of 1922 reports of 1,731 cases of whooping cough have been made, while 3,536 were recorded for 1921. Only 366 cases of measles are on record as compared to 6,570 last year. Typhoid fever is promising to respond to the pressure that has been made annually since 1915 with a reduction in number of reports from 97 to 62. Diphtheria and scarlet fever alone show increase over 1921, but this is due to the fact that these diseases were prevalent during the last part of 1921.

There were 14,264 cases of all diseases reported for the above three months of 1921 and 6,596 for the same period of 1922.

The citizens of this county ae urged to co-operate in preventing diseases. The first step is reporting cases promptly.

--E.B. Cawthray, Quarantine Officer

From The Polk County News, Tryon, N.C., May 4, 1922

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