
Wednesday, May 11, 2022

F.M. Zachary Died Following Stroke, May 11, 1922

Death Early Yesterday of Mr. F.M. Zachary. . . Followed Stroke of Paralysis 10 Days Ago; Funeral and Burial Here Today

Mr. F.M. Zachary died early yesterday morning at Grace Hospital. On Monday, May 1st., Mr. Zachary suffered a stroke of paralysis while at his work at the Burke Tannery. From that time until is death very little hope of his recovery was held.

Mr. Zachary was making preparations to move his family from Rock Hill, S.C., where they have lived for the past four years, to Morganton, their former home. He had returned several months ago and resumed his position as carpenter foreman at the tannery, a position which he had formerly held for many years, since the tannery was built.

Had he lived until May 28th, Mr. Zachary would have been 62 years of age. He is survived by his wife and children, Mr. Raymond Zachary, Asheville; Mrs. Ralph Morrison, Anderson, S.C.; Mrs. E.A. Nor??? of Marion; Mrs. Moran Piercy, Morganton; and Miss Sudie Zachary of Morganton. The funeral will be held this afternoon at 3 o’clock from the home of Mrs. Moran Piercy and interment made at the cemetery. Besides the immediate family, other relatives here for the funeral are Mrs. Wm. Sherrill, Dr. Glen A. Lazenby and Dr. Ralph Lazenby of Statesville, the two latter being the sons(?) of Mrs. E.T. Lazenby, Mr. Zachary’s youngest sister.

Coming at a time when he was moving “back home,” for that was what he always considered Morganton even while he resided in other places, to spend here his declining years with friends he loved and who loved him and amid associations that were dear to him, Mr. Zachary’s death is peculiarly sad. He was an industrious workman and a high-ton-??? Christian gentleman. His family has much sympathy in their bereavement.

From the front page of The News-Herald, Morganton, N.C., May 11, 1922.

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