
Sunday, May 8, 2022

Funerals for Hugh Bradshaw, Edgar Lytle, May 8, 1922

Hold Funerals of Hickory Youths

The funeral over the remains of Hugh Bradshaw, one of the two young men drowned in the lake on Middle Little River late Friday night, was held from the residence of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Bradshaw, at 5 o’clock yesterday afternoon, and the funeral of Edgar Lytle, the other victim of the tragedy, will be held from the First Baptist church at 5 o’clock this afternoon. A large number of friends, hundreds of whom could not enter the Bradshaw residence on Eighth avenue, stood out in the yard while Dr. E.M. Craig, assisted by Rev. W.R. Bradshaw, conducted the service in the house.

Hickory people were shocked beyond measure at the tragedy which broke up two happy homes and which saddened the lives of a dozen families. All day yesterday both homes were visited by many friends who paid silent tribute to the worth of two young men who were cut off at the very beginning of useful lives.

Members of the American Legion and Knights of Pythias attended Mr. Bradshaw’s funeral in bodies, escorting the body to the grave. The Pythians will act as escort for Mr. Lytle’s funeral this afternoon.

The remains of Mr. Bradshaw were carried to his home late Saturday night and the funeral held Sunday afternoon at 5 o’clock. A male quintet composed of Connoly Gamble, Laurie Deal, Cedric Dellinger, T.S. Golden and Arthur Bradford sang Abide With Me and In the Garden at the residence and Sometime We Will Understand at the grave. The pall bearers were R.C. Buchannan, Albert Lutz, Norman Hutton, Pete Bolch, Donald Menzies and Donald Hutton. The grave was covered with floral offerings, testimonials of the love and esteem in which Mr. Bradshaw was held. The large company followed the procession to Oakwood cemetery for last rights.

The remains of Mr. Lytle were carried to the home of Mr. and Mrs. P.E. Reinhardt last Saturday night and removed last night to his former home on Sixteenth street. Mrs. Lytle and two children, Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Lytle and daughter, Ruby, and Mr.

and Mrs. Walter Starnes arrived yesterday morning from Norfolk. They learned the details of the tragedy from an Associated Press dispatch from Hickory. Rev. W.R. Bradshaw, assisted by Rev. C.S. Kirkpatrick, will conduct the funeral service over the remains of Mr. Lytle at the First Baptist church at 5 o’clock this afternoon. The service was placed at this hour because Mr. Bradshaw, pastor, had an appointment out of town today. The active pallbearers will consist of M. Loy Bolick, Thos. L. Cline, Pat Wootten, Fred Murphy, G.E. Hays and Albert Lutz, the first five being members of the Knights of Pythias, and the last named a special friends of Mr. Lytle. Former associates of Mr. Lytle in the Record office and the Clay Printing Company will act as honorary pall bearers.

On Thursday night at 8 o’clock the local Pythian lodge will hold a memorial meeting for Messrs. Bradshaw and Lytle, members of the lodge. From the front page of the Hickory Daily Record, May 8, 1922

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