
Friday, May 6, 2022

Halifax County Items of General Interest, May 6, 1922

Local and Personal Items of General Interest

Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Ransone went to Richmond Monday on business, returning Tuesday afternoon.

Mr. J.F. Whitehead returned home Monday from Seven Springs, where he spent two weeks for his health.

Mr. Benj. W. Bobbitt has accepted a position with B.E. Bobbitt’s wholesale house, Mr. Frank Jordan having retired to enter business for himself.

The Registration Books are now open and anyone who is not registered may have his or her name registered any day in the week by seeing Mr. S.B. Holladay Sr. Mrs. C.G. Rossman, who has been spending the past several months in New York City, came home this week to spend the summer with her mother, Mrs. Cary S. Hunt.

Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Dunn returned home Monday from New Orleans, where they went to attend the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of America. They report almost pleasant visit to this great Southern city. On their return trip they passed through a part of the flooded districts of Mississippi.

Louis Austin, colored, formerly a resident of Enfield, died this week at his home in Durham, where he had been living for the past two years or more. Louis served the citizens of Enfield for many years as their barber, being connected a part of the time with Jesse T. Deberry. He has many friends here both white and colored who deeply regret his death. We understand that he was taken to Tarboro for interment.

From The Progress, Enfield, N.C., May 6, 1922

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