
Thursday, May 19, 2022

Marland Woolnough Planting New Peach Orchard, May 18, 1922

Another New Orchard

Marland Woolnough of Niagara Falls, New York, is another of the newcomers to Moore county land of promise. He has bought the Hoots place between Pinehurst and West End, and is starting a clearing on which he expects to plant in the fall not less than 100 acres of peaches. Preparations will be pushed forward as fast as possible that the orchard may be planted in time to get the full benefit of the winter and spring growth. As the tract bought had more than that acreage it is possible the orchard will be enlarged at a later date.

Mr. Woodnough has also bought a lot in Southern Pines, not far from the Highland Pines Inn, and in a few weeks he will begin the building of a new house there. He is preparing for a nice house, and will make his home in the county, and he will be another acquisition to the colony of New York fruit men that is steadily growing up in the Snadhills.

From the front page of The Moore County News, Carthage, N.C., May 18, 1922

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