
Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Meredith College To Move to New 135-acre Site, May 24, 1922

Meredith College Purchases New Site

Raleigh, May 13—The purchase of a 135-acre tract three miles southwest of Raleigh, known as the Tucker place, as the new site for Meredith college, was made this afternoon by the board of trustees. The consideration was $60,000. The purchase makes the launching of definite plans for the construction of a modern and fully equipped plant for this Baptist institution, having at the outset accommodations for 500 students. The college now has about 325 students enrolled. President Chas. E. Brower said tonight plans for the new buldings would hardly reach consummation for a couple of years, but the purchase of the new site insures the erection of a more commodious and modern college and the removal of the institution from its crowded quarters on the 4 ½-acre tract near the city of the city, which it has occupied for many years.

The trustees spent the day looking ection (?) of a more commodious and announced its selection tonight.

From the Roxboro Courier, Wednesday evening, May 24, 1922. That last sentence is what was printed, but I’m not sure what it was supposed to say.

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