
Monday, May 23, 2022

Mount Olive Area Shipped First Carload of Beans to Northern Markets, May 23, 1922

Beans Begin to Move in Car Load Lots

A car load of beans left Mount Olive yesterday for the northern markets, the first large lot to be shipped. The truckers in the Mount Olive region are very hopeful this season on the bean market. The Florida shipments have ceased the South Carolina shipments are just about out. The Virginia crop will not be ready for the market in two weeks or more. This means that the markets are likely to be open for two or three weeks for North Carolina beans. The crop is fairly good and should the market expectations hold out the growers will be happy.

Cucumbers will begin to move in about three weeks. So far the production itself is concerned, the best outlook is for potatoes, cucumbers and cantaloupes. All crops have been backward and had poor stands, but all have registered a great improvement in the last few days. The truckers generally, said Mr. Fred R. Mintz of Mount Olive yesterday are feeling fairly well satisfied over the outlook.

From the front page of The Goldsboro News, Tuesday morning, May 23, 1922

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